
Ombretto argento glitterato
Ombretto argento glitterato

ombretto argento glitterato

Non chiedetemi cosa centri questo trucco col Natale, o il perchè io abbia deciso di truccarmi invece di farmi le unghie (quando poi a me neanche piace usare il blu sugli occhi!), o ancora, perchè abbia un che di anni ’70, perchè non vi è una risposta a questi dilemmi. Sorry I forgot to tell you that I made a mistake writing only ‘manicure’ in the challenge chart! I actually meant that you can choose between manicure or makeup, but somehow I missed the second part of the description >.< Yap, this look is totally random and not Christmass-y at all (actually, I think it has quite a Seventies vibe, don’t you?), but please don’t judge me, I’m quite stressed because of my graduation thesis, and I really needed a break, so I played a bit with makeup, my favourite distraction! I hope it’s not too bad, and forgive me once again for being this absent, but until Christmas my life is quite a crazy mess! I’m not quite sure why I decided to go for a makeup look for this entry, since I don’t really like wearing blue on my eyes, but hey, it happened, and this is what I came up with! Don’t ask me how many shades of blue I used on my lids, because I’ve lost track after the first three, but that’s not even that relevant, since I’ve put some blue-silver-y eye shadow on half of the lids to cover up that weird mess I ended up with.

Ombretto argento glitterato